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Coming in July: Fear of Buildings, Vol. I

Fear of buildings

Fear of Buildings, Vol. I

Book Description:   Fear of Buildings: Stories of the Destruction of New York before Science Fiction, 1849-1920.

During the late 19th century and up to World War One, as Manhattan's buildings grew, each one replacing the other as tallest in the world, American authors were in their own race to depict each new superstructure being blown apart by artillery shells, collapsing in earthquakes or sinking beneath the waves. Some authors were merely playing to their Pulp audience's hatred of the over-proud Babel, and often their xenophobia at the same time. For many Socialist authors of the era, it was a fear and loathing of the monstrous buildings and the Capitalist inequality they represented that led to the literature of New York's destruction, a theme that became even more common in movies, comics and books forever afterward. Edited with extensive historical biographies and contexts of the times by Zak Vreeland, Volume One of the anthology traces the very earliest roots of the Fear of Buildings in pre-pulp literature amongst 16 authors.

Coming in April: Tales from Inside the Boerarrium, Science Fiction Vol. II

Tales from Inside the Boerarrium, Science Fiction Vol IIIn A.K. Otterness:

Tales from Inside the Boerarrium, Science Fiction Vol. II

A.K. Otterness.

Publisher: Maerska Publishing

Availability: April 2008

Size/Weight: 8.50"x5.50"/12.50 oz.

Price: 14.00

Book Description:

    Tales from Inside The Boerarrium collects for the first time, in three volumes, new works and previously published tales from the strange and disparate worlds of A.K. Otterness. In a Universe where alternate realities exist in mad profusion, and mankind has spread his terms of engagement beyond the boundaries of the known, Otterness has tracked down these pixelated stories of future inhabitants and transcribed them backward in time to our disturbingly technocratic present.

Volume II will include a foreward by Hawthorn Abendsen, 2 new works, and 6 previously published short stories by Otterness, including: Resistives, The Pirate Room, Robotcracy, Level Alpha, In the Outbox, Naggregator00, Stories for Librarians, and Out of the Inbox. Vol. XII in the Machine-Humanist Library. It will be available April 2008.